Funky Picnic Brewery & Café

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Don't Be Bitter, Have A Sour Beer

“Sour beer” seems to be fairly polarizing:  you either like it or you don’t.  Even fewer people really know what they are getting when they do order it, or even that there are several different varieties out there.  In honor of Zwanze Day and the new traditional Lambic and farmhouse ale options available in The Back Room at Funky Picnic, we are diving further into the very broad category of “sour beers”.

“Sour” is a bit of a generalized term too. 

Is it more of a sharp lemony lactic tartness?  Or an acetic vinegar-like flavor?  Is there a slight hay-like funkiness under the louder flavors in the beer?  Calling everything “sour” does a disservice to the nuanced complexity of flavor in certain beer styles.

Below is a list of those more traditional sour beer styles

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some examples you may be able to find at your local beer store.


Examples: Cantillon Gueuze, Kriek Boon, Oude Quetsche Tilquin à L'Ancienne


Examples: Rodenbach (Flanders Red), Duchesse de Bourgogne (Flanders Red), New Belgium La Folie (Flanders Red), Liefmans Goudenband (Oud Bruin)


Examples: Austin Beerworks Einhorn, Saint Arnold Boiler Room, Saint Arnold Raspberry AF


Photography by Christopher Lehault/Flickr

Examples: Real Ale Gose, Westbrook Gose


Now that you know more about the different varieties of sour beer, go out there and test your knowledge the next time you’re craving a refreshing tart beer!